Mambo Wallet's website is a straight-forward online payment platform making it as easy as possible for your customers to pay which is essential for increasing conversions and sales.

The checkout page is critical. It’s the final stop for people shopping on your website. It’s the place where they hand over their credit card information and finally part with their hard-earned cash.
Your checkout page is where window shoppers become paying customers.
If you’re serious about making it easier for your customers to pay and increasing sales for your business, you will want to have full control over the entire checkout process.
Following, are  tips that Mambo Wallet has embraced:

1. It provides a Number of Payment Methods

While it’s not necessary – nor practical for that matter – to offer every conceivable payment method available, you’ll want to take a look at your target audience to see which payment methods they use.
Then, you’ll be able to capture the majority of people visiting your website.
For instance, a good combination would be to allow direct bank transfers and payments from all major credit cards. In the end, it all depends on who you’re catering to.

2. Delivers a Seamless Design

From a branding perspective, you’ll want to keep everything as consistent as possible. This means using the same colors, fonts, and design on your checkout page as on the rest of your website, so you can raise brand recognition for your business.
Sure, certain online payment providers deliver the frontend ready-made for you, but you give up control over the look and feel of your checkout page.
And with all of the online scams and horror stories out there, it’s perfectly reasonable for folks to be skeptical when faced with a checkout page that’s different from the website they were shopping on.
In order to help raise brand awareness, keep your design consistent across all channels, especially your checkout page!

3. Makes Errors Easy to Fix

It’s a given that people make mistakes. Sometimes a zip code gets overlooked or someone forgets the “@” in their email address. In any case, your task here is to point out the error and get folks to correct it.
Some checkout pages display an error message at the top of the page, but people don’t realize they need to scroll all the way up to find out what went wrong. Ideally, you want an error message to appear in the field in which it occurred.
Another handy tip for making it easier for people to pay is to save the information they submit.

4. Asks for Essential Information Only

Similar to when you’re building an email list, you want to limit the amount of information you request to the essentials!
Nothing kills a conversion more than having to fill out a form with information that’s not necessary for making a purchase. And adding a long list of fields to fill out adds more hurdles for people to jump over in order to pay you.

5. Provides Reassurances on Security and Privacy

Whenever personal information is involved, always go out of your way to showcase the security measures you have in place.
A survey by eConsultancy found that 58% of respondents dropped out of the checkout page due to concerns about payment security.
As pointed out earlier, delivering a consistent design and not redirecting people to a third party checkout page are important steps in building trust with potential customers. However, you need to do more to reassure folks their data is safe from the hands of hackers.
Typically, you’ll want to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for your website in order to provide a secure connection and encrypt credit card information.
Additionally, you’ll want to comply with the standards of the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). PCI compliance is enforced by payment card companies, while the council itself manages the security standards for anyone who stores, transmits, or processes cardholder data.

6. It has Clear Calls to Action

Don’t leave people guessing what to do next!
When someone adds an item to their basket, make it crystal clear they can move to the next prompt on procedures involved. The trick is to make it specific and avoid being ambiguous with Calls To Action.

7. Keeps Distractions to a Minimum

It probably goes without saying, but your checkout page is the end of the sales cycle. It’s the final step. And in an era when people have the attention span of a gold fish, you don’t want anything to distract them from completing the checkout process.
And that means, under no circumstances, should you put up any advertisements.
Mambo Wallet, an online mobile and digital is the Safe and convenient payment platform in Kenya.


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